Ouija board

Ouija Board is a mysterious and scary thing that has haunted many people’s minds for centuries. It attracts and frightens at the same time. It is also known as a spirit board or talking board, and a flat board with letters, numbers, and other symbols printed on it. This tool is used to talk to the spirits of the dead and it is believed to be a way to get in touch with the other side. In this blog, I would like to discuss the history and mythology of Ouija Board, and why it has become so popular.

There are different types of Ouija Boards and many ways people like to use them.

The History of the Ouija Board

The Ouija Board is the common name for the Spirit Board. The device is a flat rectangular board with letters, numbers, and other signs on it, which is used with a movable indicator to spell out messages. At the same time, the Ouija Board has nothing to do with its official name, let alone a mysterious history, according to manufacturers. The truth is that the childhood Game has a long and mysterious history that goes back even beyond the mid-19th century. The Ouija Board was invented by two inventors Elijah Bond and Charles Kenner, who were spiritualists. The board was used to “denounce the mysterious fact that exists” and quickly gained popularity among spiritualists and mediums.

Originally, the Ouija Board was called the Ouija Board because of the French phrase ‘ Oui ‘, which means ‘yes ‘, and ‘ja ‘ which means ‘no ‘. The board was ‘ expressly constructible for use by a few persons ‘. It was designed to be used with a group of people because of the details of the layout and the mechanics of the operation.

The Mythology of the Ouija Board

The Ouija Board has a rich mythology that has grown up around it. Many people consider the board to be a tool for contacting the spirits of the dead. They believe that it works; some people say that their boards can do it and can be used to talk to the other side. Some people consider the board to be a portal to the afterlife and that it can be used as a tool to call the spirits of the dead.

While for some people the Ouija board is merely a game, most others believe that it is a tool for divination and can be used to predict the future. The majority of others also think that the board is a healing tool and can be used to cure illnesses. However, to use an Ouija board properly and safely, several rules should be followed:

1. Never use the Ouija board alone. To prevent some potentially negative energy from entering your protected space, it is recommended to have at least two or more other people present and participating.

2. Use the Ouija board in a darkened room and quiet room. This will provide for a quiet canvas to allow the spirit to pass. In addition, the experience will most likely be much stronger and more intense.

3. Do not use the Ouija board in a graveyard. The number of spirits present may be too overwhelming and some offensive spirits might appear as well.

4. Be specific. Assign only one person to do the talking. Also, plenty of questions should be considered before. This will incapacitate the protective area during the duration of the sessions as long as nobody is contributing to the protection of the space.

5. Do not believe in everything. While the Ouija board is a device for divination, its predictions are not based on truth anyway. Therefore, it is always recommended to have a skeptical view on the matter.

6. Use the Ouija board responsibly. Never use it when you are sick or in a weak or disabled condition to not have your protection compromised by the negative energy.

7. Say goodbye, it is important to “dismiss” or allow the spirits to leave so that none would stay in your area.

8. Cleanse the Ouija board by burning sage or by lighting incense. This is done to purify the sacred space and have any negative energy banished away for good.

9. Do not use the Ouija board to summon evil spirits. Rather, the Ouija board is to contact spirits, not to summon them.

10. Respect every spirit and never ask them any question you would not like to be asked.

The Different Types of Ouija Boards

There are various types of Ouija Boards. These include:

* Standard Ouija Board: This is the most common type of Ouija Board. It is a flat surface with letters and numbers on it. It is used to talk to dead people.

* Spirit Board: This is another type of Ouija Board. Like the standard Ouija board, it is also used to contact dead people. However, it has a lot more features. For example, it has an ash located on the upper right side of the board. It reads “ashes to ashes”.

* Angel Board: This is yet another type of Ouija Board. It is a board alongside a connector. This type of Ouija Board is used to talk to angels.

* Wood Burning: The wood-burning Ouija Board is made by burning wood. It is a medium used to communicate with the dead. It can be used in conjunction with other media such as an angel board.

How Ouija Boards Are Used

Ouija Boards are used in a variety of ways, depending on the person or group of people using them. Some people use the board to communicate with the dead, while others use it to see the future or to cure their illnesses.

Some people use the board to contact the spirits of specific people, such as loved ones they miss. Others use the board to contact spirits that have certain powers.

The Controversy Surrounding Ouija Boards

Ouija Boards or talking boards have been a subject of controversy from time immemorial. Some people think that the board is a mechanism for contacting the spirits of the dead yet others think it is a tool for kindness

The board is a method for identifying dynastic events. Many individuals consider the board a tool for recovery from illness.


The Ouija Board is an incredible and scary thing that has captured the minds of many people since time immemorial. This plank is a tool for contacting the spirits of the dead, through which you can talk to dead people. In other words, it is the door to another world that can be locked by the user whenever they wish. Some believe that the Ouija Board is a tool for summoning evil spirits, but it remains an interesting thing, anyway.

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